About Watching TV & Movies
The FCC now requires all content that has been broadcast in the United States after Sept. 2012 to require captions. Unfortunately any content broadcast prior to that date is not legally required to have closed captions available. We do request ...
Creating Watchlist
Creating a “Watchlist” is easy! Select or search for the title you want, and click the “Add to Watchlist” button. CONGRATULATIONS! Your favorite titles will now appear in your Watchlist!
What Happened To The Show/Movie I Wanted To Watch?
If you can no longer find a title on our service, it’s likely that our license to stream the title has expired. Most content is available on our service for at least a year but every once in a while special circumstances might dictate shorter ...
Why Am I Being Charged Tax?
We are legally required to collect tax for subscriptions in states that taxes apply. This will automatically be applied to your subscription cost!
Why Do We Show Ads?
Our advertisers help underwrite the cost of the content you see on our channel. Thanks to ads, we can have a free registration option for users who aren't ready to commit to a membership! We are striving hard to limit the volume of ads during feature ...
How Can I Watch Dove Channel?
The Dove Channel is a video streaming service that brings a large selection family friendly content to you across a multitude of platforms. You can view us through our app on Apple iOS devices, Android devices including android TV, on your Roku, on ...